Friday, July 25, 2008

Open Your Eyes

This is the beginning of rants, raves and odd ideas. Lefts and Rights, you won't find any wings here so please don't stop to advertise. I refuse to convert. None of you are in it for the good anyway. Idiots and people with absolutely no common sense, drop on by and learn a little something will ya. Just like my mind this blog will never consist of a single topic and will mostly be a giant ramble of what ever comes to mind in front of this "window to the world." So enjoy it or don't, it's all the same to me.

Rant #1:
Entry into the Sentinel’s Ticked Off 04/02:
"Congress is investigating the trivial issue of pharmaceuticals in our drinking water instead of pursuing the importance of substances in our major league baseball players."

My Response:
Trivial?!? I'd like to hope this is blatant sarcasm because otherwise...

What the ball players do to themselves is their own problem. I can’t believe people in this country care more about baseball than unknown substances in their tap water. Maybe drinking the hallucinogenic water is why Bush has been president for 8 long and unproductive years filled with greed. Maybe being drugged into not caring is why we’ve allowed him to continue to destroy this country and others. A statement like yours just goes to show what matters most to the majority of people in this nation and honestly, it’s sickening.

Needless to say they didn't publish it. Was it my distasteful affection for our mass murdering leader? He should be held on as low a pedestal as Hitler. Seriously.

People wonder why I can't choose between democrat or republican. Because no candidate for either party has ever appealed to me. They all look, sound and smell like liars. They said anything to get where they are and they'll say anything to get where they want to be. Does anyone really think they have our interests at heart. (When I say our I mean: citizens of a country as a whole) No, everyone thinks of themselves first. Especially politicians. Is it not apparent with the head of the house now? I'd like to know how much time people have spent trying to get those "W" stickers off their windows....

Open your eyes...

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