Thursday, February 26, 2009

What is wrong with you people?

First off I would like to say that your ancestors were the ones that brought them in so if you're going to be mad at anyone, be mad at the ones who taught you to hate. With that said, let's begin.

My first question in reading this article is why was a former klansman (not giving them the privilege of a capital letter) elected into office? I think there should be some sort of rules against that. Someone with a background like that is definitely not looking out for the good of all. But then again what politician really is. Secondly, what exactly is the problem with a black man becoming president? And before I answer that question with another question, let me just remind everyone that he is only HALF black. There, now we can all get over the idea of a black man becoming president. He's a man just like anyone else no matter the color of his skin. And I blame the media (another blog for another day) on all the hype about his skin color. If you didn't repeat it so often and throw it into people's faces, it would be such a big deal and the haters would have a harder time using it as a ploy to draw more in.

Back to that next question, are you angry with the power he holds because it really goes to show that black people have rights too? Are you scared that if we follow a black leader, then you'll wake up one morning to all blacks putting you and yours in chains and making you their slaves? Well fortunately for you and everyone else in this country, those days have passed so you have nothing to worry about there, rest easy Billy Joe.

I am amazed at the amount of hatred still left in this country, and I am proud to be a product of non-hatred as well. It's called unconditional love. Being a person of mixed decent, I would be proud and honored to be your neighbor. Just to throw it in your face that there are more people out there that love change and love the differences in each other, and your "hate everyone of a different race than mine" clans can all go to hell. I like how your followers state that the president helps provide a visual aid in providing a sense of purpose. What a joke. There is no purpose. And if fear in the White European-American heritage dying out is what's keeping you going, then I hope you love your sister and mother enough to do the nasty cause that's the only way "your kind" is going to survive. White American heritage will live on with or without you and your hatred and I think time is proving that the you'll will be at a loss in the end.

I'm going to have to end this by commending the writer of the column for ending it with that final comment that sums this issue up oh so well:

"Their thinking is very distorted."

You are a disturbed bunch and I hope you find the psychological help you need to get over this soon, because whether you like it or not, the world is moving on without you. Not to mention melding together! Ha, take that!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Unbelievably Ticked Off:

“For the first time in history, the president of the United States was elected by morons.”

Which is better, morons electing a President, or narcissists electing a Moron?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Why do people PAY for tans when we live in FLORIDA!
It has always amazed me how lazy people are. Not to mention how easliy and pointlessly they can spend money.

Why do we buy bottled water? Why do we buy SUV's when we don't have lifestyles that actually require bigger vehicles? Why do stores who claim to be "going green" and/or "helping the environment" STILL HAND OUT PLASTIC BAGS?



'BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. -- A man in South Florida faces charges after he called 911 to complain that a fast-food restaurant ran out of his favorite drink. Boynton Beach police said 66-year-old Jean Fortune was at a Burger King Friday, when a cashier told him they didn't have any lemonade.'

-This is JUST as bad as the guy who called 911 from Subway last year.

By the way if anyone from the WEEKLY is reading this, instead of doing one "Dumb Florida" issue a year, how about a small column that constantly reminds us of how poor our educational system obviously is? I think it would be just as good as the one about how uncreative all of our criminals are.

Hey Bigots...

You would help out the country a lot more if you were to aim the rifle at yourself instead of the president. By now you should realize that the people in this country who elected him completely outweigh the ones (such as yourself) who didn't. Not to mention the fact that we understand that there are racist idiots like you out there with no morals and nothing else to do. This is why security is heavier than that of any other president. So instead of plotting against him, why don't you save us all the trouble and just off the one that really doesn't matter - yourself.

I mean come on, did you really think you could just drive up to the white house with a rifle clearly visible in the passenger seat stating that you had a "delivery" for the president?

Give me a break.

oink oink

"I am so ticked off at all those flat-chested ugly women who write in to criticize how our female newscasters look and dress. Martha is beautiful, and her critics are bow-wow."

Since when does being flat-chested make women ugly?
Silicone has ruined society.

And you should be sent to the farm – pig.

**Update: Not that anyone else cares, but they actually published this one!!!