Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today's Ticked...A Bushel of Fun

“We need to teach our women today that the back-talking they do to men is wrong.”
Sure! Let’s just go back 100 years or so and erase the whole Women’s Rights thing. Let’s just scratch that right on out of existence. Then we’ll move to improve business for Scotch and buy every woman a roll of tape so that she can just keep her mouth shut! That way there’s no question about whether or not what she says is pleasing to your ears. - You’ve got to be kidding me.

“When did it become OK to go out in your pajamas? It's bad enough they started pajama pants. Now they're wearing pajama tops and even wearing fuzzy slippers to go shopping.”
It never became OK to go out in your pajamas. Everyone just became too lazy to actually get dressed.

“In response to women buying bras that fit properly: This was called in by a man or a flat-chested broad. I'm an extremely big-busted woman; not fat. Bras are designed by men who don't know how to fit women. The cost of a bra for someone my size starts at $40.”
First off I don’t think you can really “call in” to ticked off. Secondly, it doesn’t matter who complained about the bra fat. Truth is not ALL bras are designed by men and I’m SURE you can find one for less than $40. So in conclusion: Get smarter and look harder.

“Our education system doesn't teach our children how to buy a car or home.”
It’s bad enough that we’ve pushed the educational system to teach our children about sex (they obviously aren’t doing a good job) but now you want them to also teach our kids how to buy a house and car? Let me guess, it would be great if the system could start teaching them how to dress and feed themselves too? What exactly do you consider your roll as a parent to be?

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