Thursday, September 4, 2008

Enough Already

I am so sick of hearing about this 20 something waste of space and her long gone daughter. I knew from the moment the story broke and the fact that she wasn't talking/lying that the little girl was dead. You'd have to be an idiot or a god fearing hopeful to believe she was still alive. And 2 months later mom's still the cover story.

I wish everyone would just get over it. Let the search parties look for the body, but don't give this pathetic piece any more spotlight. The fact that she could be so selfish, she's probably eating this all up. Her 15 minutes are over, leave her alone until she has something important to say, like "this is where you'll find her..."

Continually making her the "big news" only fuels her fire. And in case you didn't know, this isn't about her. It's about the kid. Find the kid and let this woman rot. And if you don't find the kid, keep raising bail and postponing trial till she at least hangs herself. The faster the media forgets about this woman, the faster they move her out of solitary and the general population can have their way with her.

Either way, it just goes to show that the Weekly was right, the dumbest shit always seems to happen in Florida.

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